Ibidem - Scannography © 2012. 151 inches long x 27.5 inches height

Ibidem - Scannography © 2012. 151 inches long x 27.5 inches height

OPUS INCARNATE | Scannographies © 2008 - 2014

Watch it on Lensculture Coco Martin Scannographies

What does a break-up with a photographic camera means to a photographer?

Opus Incarnate represents two years of induced silence in my practice. Due a temporary refusal to use a photographic camera I discovered scannographies, worked with them and pushed the media to new limits, bringing to my visuals a new concept to explore.

This season was a statement of pause, a way to take some distance of the overwhelming reality and get the chance to think about the main source, the light (or shadows) and the subject, the eager attitude to really get someone soul, almost from the very skin and one inch away. A brand new personal understanding of portraiture. 

By only using a flatbed scanner near to the skin's model -with no external lighting, nor lens or aperture to control available- I ended up discovering this 'magic kingdom of a candle light'.

Within the current context of massive production of images due to the arrival of the digital era and despite the fact that each piece might take weeks or months to be composed and completed, the process took me back to rediscover the meaning of patience, instead of the immediacy.


Creative Monday Interview (October 2016)

aCurator Feature (February 2015)